
“If the son shall make 你 free, then ye shall be free indeed.”

- Lincoln University's Motto

学习. 解放. 引领.

Since its founding more than 165 years ago, those three words have defined our mission at Lincoln University. We're dedicated to empowering our students—empowering ——用知识、信心和人脉来取得成功并登上顶峰.

Those words also define us as we move towards the future. But even as we look ahead, it's important to look back and remember where we came from, and how that informs our mission and our approach today.

A University's Beginnings

Originally established as The Ashmun Institute, Lincoln University received its 宪章 from the Commonwealth of 宾西法尼亚 on April 29, 1854, 使其成为美国第一所授予学位的传统黑人学院和大学(HBCU)。.

“这是世界上第一个为非洲裔男性青年提供艺术和科学高等教育的机构,“描述 Horace Mann Bond (1923届),林肯的第一位非裔美国总统,在他的书中, Education for Freedom.

DickyJM.jpgBefore that, though, the school was the dream of its founders, John Miller Dickey 还有他的妻子 Sarah Emlen Cresson. 她通过费城的朋友协会继承了长期的服务和慈善传统, while the importance of 教育 was a major value Dickey's family. 他的外祖父是费城的一名大理石商人,早在1794年就为费城的非裔美国人教育做出了贡献, and his father was a minister of the Oxford Presbyterian Church.

After serving as a missionary and preaching to the slaves in Georgia, John Miller Dickey became pastor of that same church in Oxford, 宾西法尼亚, in 1832. He was active in the American Colonization Society, 1851年, 他参与了一场法庭诉讼,帮助一名年轻的非裔美国女孩获释,这名女孩被马里兰州的奴隶袭击者从切斯特县南部绑架. At the same time, 一个名叫詹姆斯·阿莫斯的年轻自由民,即使是最开明的学校也没能让他进入大学, Dickey himself prepared the 你ng man for the ministry.

In October 1853, 纽卡斯尔长老会批准了迪基建立“一个名为阿什蒙学院”的机构的计划, for the scientific, classical and theological 教育 of colored 你th of the male sex.”

An Expanding 任务 and Growing Influence

On April 4, 1866, the institution was re-named Lincoln University in honor of President Abraham Lincoln. 迪基借此机会提议将学校扩展为一所成熟的大学,招收“各种气候和肤色的学生”.“法律, 医疗, 教学, 除了文理学院之外,还计划建立神学院. 白人学生被鼓励入学,1868年,第一批六人的学士学位班中有两人毕业.

During its early years, 全球十大外围足球平台被称为“黑人普林斯顿”,因为它的创始人和早期的教师都是普林斯顿大学毕业的, rigorous classical curriculum, ties to the Presbyterian Church, 以及在颜色和吉祥物上的相似之处(普林斯顿的颜色是橙色的) & black, while Lincoln’s were orange & blue; Princeton’s mascot was a tiger, and Lincoln’s mascot was a lion).

1953年,为了庆祝建校100周年,牛津大学修改了章程,允许授予女性学位. In 1972, 它正式与宾夕法尼亚联邦作为一个州相关, co教育al university. 全球十大外围足球平台获得了美国中部大学和学校协会的认可,并提供艺术和科学本科学术课程以及人类服务研究生课程, 阅读, 教育, 数学, and administration.

A 引领er in Excellence

自从我们成为全国第一个授予学位的HBCU以来, 我们的校友带头塑造了我们的社会,并获得了超过 50 international and national "firsts." 事实上, during our first 100 years, 林肯毕业于全国大约20%的非裔美国医生和超过10%的非裔美国律师. 我们的校友已经领导了超过35所学院和大学以及许多著名的教会. They also include U.S. ambassadors; mission chiefs; federal, state, and municipal judges; mayors; and city managers.

Christian Fleetwood1865年,他成为第一位获得国会荣誉勋章的非裔美国人. 哈莱姆文艺复兴诗人兰斯顿·休斯于1929年毕业于全球十大外围足球平台. Thurgood Marshall, the first African American U.S. Supreme Court Justice graduated just a year later, in 1930. 具有传奇色彩和影响力的灵魂和爵士诗人、音乐家和作家 Gil-Scott-Heron attended Lincoln in the late 1960s. More recently, Lincoln has been alma mater to Comedian Will “Spank” Horton, who attended in the late 90s; Jalaal海耶斯, 特拉华州立大学最年轻的博士研究生2011年毕业于全球十大外围足球平台 Brittney Waters, from the class of 2013, 现在是爱尔兰阿尔斯特火箭队的职业女子篮球运动员.

Lincoln University's current president, 布伦达一. 艾伦, graduated from Lincoln in 1981.

Other notable alumni include: 梅尔文B. 押的24教育家和最重要的非裔美国现代主义诗人之一; Hildrus一. Poindexter ’24, the first African American to earn both an M.D. (1929, Harvard University) 和Ph值.D. (1932, Columbia University) 也是第一位非洲裔美国人国际公认的热带疾病权威; 牧师. James Robinson ’35, 非洲十字路口(Crossroads Africa)的创始人,该组织是和平队(Peace Corps)的典范; Roscoe Lee Browne ’46, author and widely acclaimed actor of stage and screen; Lawrence (Larry) Neal ’61, 黑人艺术运动中最有影响力的学者、作家和哲学家之一; Lillian Fishburne, ’71, the first African American female U.S. Navy Rear Admiral; 杰奎琳·F. 艾伦74年, 费城普通法院审判庭行政法官; Sheila Oliver '74, 第一位当选为新泽西州议会议长的非裔美国妇女和第一位当选为中尉的非裔美国妇女. Governor of New Jersey; Philip Banks ’84, former New York City Police Chief; Fred Thomas, Jr. ’91, actor, director and three-time NAACP award-winning playwright; and Dr. E. Reggie Smith III ’92, 2009年和2010年担任美国远程学习协会的第一位非裔美国总统和董事会主席.

Our influence has also extended beyond the United States. 全球十大外围足球平台的许多国际毕业生已成为各自国家的杰出领袖, 包括 Nnamdi Azikiwe ’30, the first president of Nigeria; Kwame Nkrumah ’39, the first president of Ghana; Sibusiso Vil-Nkomo, Ph.D., ’81, 他是种族隔离制度废除后比勒陀利亚大学第一位黑人院长, 还有他的妻子, Renosi Mokate ’81, 世界银行集团前执行董事以及南非能源基金前首席执行官, Tjama Tjivikua, Ph.D.,’83, the first rector of the Polytechnic of Namibia in Windhoek and Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila ’94, the first female Prime Minister of Namibia.

A Proud 历史 and a Bright Future

今天, 全球十大外围足球平台自豪的历史告诉我们,我们致力于成为我们州和国家领先的文理学院. 遵循我们的创始人和许多学生走过我们大厅的哲学, 我们以挑战和支持我们的学生成为最好的自己而自豪,并取得比他们梦想更多的成就.

全球十大外围足球平台的毕业生继续在科学领域扬名立万, 业务, 宗教, law enforcement, and the creative and entertainment fields as writers, 董事, 喜剧演员, and film executives.

